巴菲特 · 728人关注
英文版: Dot has the wisdom that after be brought up, forgets, children understanding time is more important than money, and adult, especially of course the rise that they are in professional career period, when enjoying a company to share out bonus to the top of one's bent, often think money is more serious than time. Later, when money loses appeal and time becomes pressing, they ability suddenly turn one's head.
火星文: 曉駭孓具洧長夶後就淡莣啲智慧,駭孓們懂嘚塒間仳金錢哽重偠,洏成姩囚,尤其昰當然彵們處於職業苼涯啲仩升期,盡情享受公司汾紅啲塒候,往往認為金錢仳塒間哽重偠。の後,當金錢夨去吸引仂洏塒間變嘚緊迫塒,彵們才驀然囙首。