三毛 · 113人关注
英文版: I like measurable alone, on the heart most those who release momently, always hate to part with share with others, share this absolutely individual treasure very hard also in fact. Cool breeze bright moon should be one the individual's thing, having a meal however is the person is compared many a little bit sapid.
火星文: 莪囍歡適喥啲孤單,惢靈仩朂釋放啲┅刻,總舍鈈嘚哏別囚囲享,倳實仩吔很難汾享這絕對啲個囚珍寶。清闏朙仴都應該昰┅個囚啲倳情,倒昰吃飯昰囚哆些仳較洧菋噵。