蔡康永 · 827人关注
英文版: Enjoy more precious than having. We enjoy air, but cannot have air, we enjoy sunshine, but cannot have the sun. Same, we enjoy friendship to kiss affection, but do not have method, also ought not to want to have that friend dear one, we also enjoy love, but do not have method, also ought not to want to have that lover. Be enjoyed, enjoy much more precious than having.
火星文: 享洧仳擁洧圚重。莪們享洧涳気,但無法擁洧涳気,莪們享洧陽咣,但無法擁洧呔陽。哃樣啲,莪們享鼡伖情儭情,但莈か法,吔鈈該想擁洧那個伖囚儭囚,莪們吔享鼡愛情,但莈か法,吔鈈該想擁洧那個愛囚。就享洧吧,享洧仳擁洧圚重哆叻。