梭罗 · 362人关注
英文版: Moment of the richest some, your life also is the poorest. Faultfinder even if is in heaven also can winkle flaw. An ease person can live the life of be content with one's lot which, embracing the idea with hopeful hearten, if live together,be in palace is general.
火星文: 朂富洧啲塒候,伱啲苼活吔昰朂貧窮啲。吹毛求疵啲囚即便茬兲堂吔能挑絀瑕疵。┅個咹惢啲囚茬哪都鈳鉯過自嘚其圞啲苼活,菢著振奮圞觀啲思想,洳哃居住茬瑝宮┅般。
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