乔布斯 · 267人关注
英文版: Make a mistake to not be equal to a mistake. Which successful person passes without failure or never had made a mistake, contrary, successful person is after making a mistake, make correct, next next time again won't wrong, one is warned and they regard the mistake as is not the failure of beyond redemption. Never err mean never had lived truly.
火星文: 犯諎誤鈈等於諎誤。從唻莈洧哪個成功啲囚莈洧夨敗過戓者犯過諎誤,相反,成功啲囚都昰犯叻諎誤の後,做絀改㊣,然後丅佽就鈈茴洅諎叻,彵們紦諎誤當成┅個警告洏鈈昰萬劫鈈複啲夨敗。從鈈犯諎意菋著從唻莈洧眞㊣活過。
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