李开复 · 541人关注
英文版: Everybody, let anxious the environment that has energy, in what have energy the environment can make the thing that has contribution to the company. If be in an aged orgnaization, bureaucratic orgnaization, without the orgnaization of vigor, you I am sorry ego, also I am sorry company, because you are not done,give the thing that has energy, still be inferior to suiting to be in the place of ego quite to.
火星文: 烸個囚,讓著ゑ洧活仂啲環境,茬洧活仂啲環境能夠作絀對公司洧貢獻啲倳情。洳果茬┅個蒼咾啲機構,官僚啲機構,莈洧活仂啲機構,伱對鈈起自莪,吔對鈈起公司,因為伱做鈈絀洧活仂啲倳情,還鈈洳箌┅個仳較適匼茬自莪啲地方。
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