格林斯潘 · 485人关注
英文版: Love spy letter establishs two months, have 3 people only, do this thing without force at all. I Nigeluo Pang Di comes over please, introduce his thought interpreter to audience, telling everybody is what meaning. But we love to be believed especially be in at that time the assembly room is small do not nod, nobody should answer us thing.
火星文: 愛特信成竝両個仴叻,呮洧三個囚,根夲莈洧仂量做這個倳。莪紦胒格洛龐蒂請過唻,紦彵啲思想翻譯介紹給聽眾,告訴夶鎵昰什仫意思。但莪們愛特信當塒茬茴場就昰曉鈈點,莈囚紦莪們當囙倳。
下一篇 >>天下最勇敢的事,莫过于勇敢到底的奋斗。