孙睿 · 235人关注
英文版: Every life has his to be worth from social status, however a lot of life have not realize its value however before the end. They are the footsteps of the wheel society as the history only, overflowing finish aimlessly from the process that is born to death. During, they desertion individual character, lose ideal, bury happiness, lose ego, ready is commonplace, they are the hasty passing traveller in historical onrush only.
火星文: 烸個苼命都昰洧其自身價徝啲,然洏許哆苼命茬結束前卻尚未實哯其價徝。彵們呮昰隨著曆史啲車輪社茴啲腳步,茬漫無目啲地完成從絀苼箌迉亡啲過程。期間,彵們丟掉個性,夨去悝想,埋葬圉鍢,喪夨自莪,咁於平庸,彵們呮昰曆史洪鋶ф啲匆匆過愙。