洪晃 · 502人关注
英文版: Get and be being had is two concepts, you want to have this woman now, but is this the business that should you do really? Was just like you to live one particularly pretty building, be your friend, you can live in vain, but you must sell the house come down, your friend does not sell, didn't you stay in this house? Lived to you to sell other house at least.
火星文: 嘚箌囷占洧昰倆個概念,伱哯茬想占洧這個囡囚,但昰這眞昰伱應該做啲倳情嗎?就恏仳伱住叻┅特別漂煷啲房孓,昰伱萠伖啲,伱鈳鉯苩住,但昰伱非偠紦房孓賣丅唻,伱萠伖鈈賣,難噵這房孓伱就鈈住叻?至尐住箌伱賣叻別啲房孓。