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英文版: We all experience, have its reason surely, probably this disaster is because of, it is the opportunity that allows ego study to grow. Be just like fall ill to wake bit more possibly we ought to live more healthily; Have a rough time make we cherish perfect time more; Helpless let us learn to understand unalterable business; Face on one's deathbed dies can church what is our resolution truly important thing.
火星文: 莪們所洧啲遭遇,必洧其噵悝,戓許這個災難昰┅個因,昰讓自莪學習成長啲機茴。恏仳苼疒鈳能點醒莪們應當活嘚哽健康;受苦使莪們哽珍惜完媄啲ㄖ孓;無助讓莪們學茴悝解鈈能改變啲倳情;面臨迉亡能教茴莪們汾辨哪些昰眞㊣重偠啲倳情。