卢梭 · 431人关注
英文版: When we encounter boat of travel of against the wind only, we adjust course outflank travel can; but, go up when offing surfy, and when we want to stop in place, that is about to anchor. Be careful, young cox, the cable that does not let you loosened, the boat anchor that does not let you shakes, did not detect in you previously, the boat floats.
火星文: 當莪們呮遇箌逆闏荇舟啲塒候,莪們調整航姠迂囙荇駛就能夠叻;鈳昰,當海面仩波濤洶湧,洏莪們想停茬原地啲塒候,那就偠拋錨。當惢啊,姩輕啲舵掱,別讓伱啲纜繩松叻,別讓伱啲船錨動搖,鈈偠茬伱莈洧發覺鉯前,船就漂赱叻。