蔡康永 · 259人关注
英文版: I think fidelity is a so rigid standard no longer, when the boy or girl friend that the friend that becomes you wants to decide for you he talks about love eventfully is quite loyal, the standard may not that he uses is the standard that you want to use. So, once you this eventful friend, he adopted a rigidder than you standard, your feeling got disturb, this is unnecessary interference, because then the individual adopted a too severe standard.
火星文: 莪認為忠貞鈈洅昰那仫嚴格啲┅個標准,當伱啲萠伖偠哆倳地替伱唻決萣彵談戀愛啲對潒夠鈈夠忠貞啲塒候,彵采鼡啲標准未必昰伱想偠采鼡啲標准。所鉯,┅旦伱這個哆倳啲萠伖,彵采取叻┅個仳伱嚴格啲標准,伱啲感情受箌叻幹擾,這昰鈈必偠啲幹擾,因為那個囚采取叻┅個過嚴啲標准。