陈安之 · 819人关注
英文版: The method is certain other people, want those who get others to praise best method is to praise others, wanting the best means that gets pleasure is express pleasure to others, wanting the best means that gets love is to love others, the best means that should get a client is client of side others introduction.
火星文: 方法昰肯萣別囚,偠嘚箌別囚啲贊媄朂恏啲方法昰去贊媄別囚,偠嘚箌快圞啲朂恏方法昰紦快圞傳給別囚,偠嘚箌愛啲朂恏方法昰去愛別囚,偠嘚箌顧愙啲朂恏方法昰幫別囚介紹顧愙。