杜拉斯 · 884人关注
英文版: The realest thing between husband and wife is to betray; A pair of any husband and wife, even if be the most perfect husband and wife, it is impossible in love mutual drive; In adultery, because the woman fears to mix furtive and excited, the man sees one can arouse passional target more from which.
火星文: 夫妻の間朂眞實啲東覀昰褙叛;任何┅對夫妻,哪怕昰朂媄滿啲夫妻,都鈈鈳能茬愛情ф相互噭勵;茬通奸ф,囡囚因害怕囷偷偷摸摸洏興奮,侽囚則從ф看箌┅個哽能噭起情欲啲目標。