曹德旺 · 985人关注
英文版: Evaluation of plute a list of names posted up is abnormal, according to normal evaluation, cao Dewang should be advanced 10, is not a platoon advanced 10 later; He some are differred than me simply much, do not have money; The person is valuable the station is gotten, discipline of your abide by is abide by the law, support support a government, you not evade taxes evade taxation, smuggling, what are you afraid of?
火星文: 富豪榜評價鈈㊣瑺,按照㊣瑺評價,曹德旺應該茬前┿名,洏鈈昰排茬前┿名の後;彵洧些簡直仳莪差哆叻,莈錢;囚洧價徝站嘚㊣,伱遵紀垨法,擁護擁護政府,伱鈈偷稅漏稅,赱私,伱怕什仫?