陈独秀 · 711人关注
英文版: What we love is the country that people takes out patriotic heart resistance to be oppressed, not be governmental interest with people patriotic heart oppresses the country of others. What we love is the state that the country seeks happiness for people, not be the state that people becomes sacrifice for the country.
火星文: 莪們愛啲昰囚囻拿絀愛國惢抵抗被囚壓迫啲國鎵,鈈昰政府利鼡囚囻愛國惢壓迫別囚啲國鎵。莪們愛啲昰國鎵為囚囻謀圉鍢啲國鎵,鈈昰囚囻為國鎵做犧牲啲國鎵。