李嘉诚 · 144人关注
英文版: I think assiduous the element that is individual success, alleged one minute cultivated, harvest one minute, the pay that place of a person wins and achievement, the effort that gives with him is to have huge concern. Luck is a small element only, the individual's effort just is creation career most postulate.
火星文: 莪認為勤奮昰個囚成功啲偠素,所謂┅汾耕耘,┅汾收獲,┅個囚所獲嘚啲報酬囷成果,與彵所付絀啲努仂昰洧極夶啲關系。運気呮昰┅個曉因素,個囚啲努仂才昰創造倳業啲朂基夲條件。