郭敬明 · 443人关注
英文版: You can have the life that ego glows, can have more the future of bright. And I, do not expect the life of ego continues commonplacely in that way, low knot legitimate child, next a day of heaven and earth is anile. If life is such word really, then I aux would rather dead in my greenest perfect time.
火星文: 伱們茴洧自莪咣彩奪目啲囚苼,茴洧哽加璀璨啲未唻。洏莪,鈈期望自莪啲囚苼就那樣平庸地繼續丅去,庸俗地結婚苼孓,然後┅兲兲地衰咾。洳果囚苼眞啲昰這樣啲話,那莪寧願迉茬莪朂圊春啲完媄姩囮。