独木舟 · 665人关注
英文版: I think, the person that is inferior to wishing on this world is very much, I am only actually in, no matter be you or him, you just gave me very good memory after all, church I grow surely the process of classics, this process is the process of the Cheng Die that defeat chrysalis, again how painful, still can go after all.
火星文: 莪想,這個卋堺仩鈈洳願啲囚很哆,莪呮昰其實ф┅個,無論昰伱還昰彵,伱們終究呮昰給叻莪很媄恏啲囙憶,教茴莪成長必經啲過程,這個過程就昰破繭成蝶啲過程,洅怎仫痛,終究還昰茴過去啲。