郭敬明 · 647人关注
英文版: Graduation autograph book is the dove of abrupt rise high into the air in dusk, they had said to be able to come back, but never had come back however. Heavy rain begins torrential, the world begins insignificant, in air only remnant they are volant the ash that Gao Fei's instant leaves feather, make the world before the fokelore of the ray. Years is gradational and dim.
火星文: 畢業紀念冊昰黃昏裏突然騰涳啲鴿孓,彵們詤過茴囙唻,鈳昰卻從唻莈洧囙唻過。夶雨開始滂沱,卋堺開始渺曉,涳気裏唯剩彵們展翅高飝啲刹那留丅啲噅羽,成為囚間鉯往咣芒啲傳詤。歲仴漸佽暗淡。