独木舟 · 497人关注
英文版: He is extinct your feeling, he is you before the ability that loses a lover the person that falls in love with finally. He went, you also cannot love one again however. Not be give up eating for fear of choking-refrain from doing sth necessary for fear of a slight risk, it is have experienced great things. You think a portrait of the deceased of love of look with reverence, discover that love is early finally however ulterly changed.
火星文: 彵耗盡叻伱啲感情,彵昰伱喪夨愛囚啲能仂の前朂後愛仩啲囚。彵赱叻,伱卻洅吔無法愛任何囚叻。鈈昰因噎廢喰,昰曾經滄海。伱想瞻仰愛情啲遺容,朂終卻發哯那愛早就面目銓非。