安意如 · 221人关注
英文版: You are clear, can you understand? This is fastened, ethereal world, always do not have see period. After this is boundless and indistinct the years that do not have limit. I whether can immortal it is not important already to do not die. The most terrible, not be memory can disappear, imprint on the mind however deep-rooted, wipe off does not go, clarity always is like yesterday. My general is in the years that loses you unmanned and commiserative ground is living, immortal, it is the heaviest to amorous person penalty.
火星文: 伱朙苩嗎,伱茴叻解嗎?這┅別,兲仩囚間,詠無見期。此後茫茫無涯歲仴。莪昰否能長苼鈈迉巳鈈重偠。朂鈳怕啲,鈈昰記憶茴消夨,洏昰銘惢刻骨,拂拭鈈去,清晰詠洳昨ㄖ。莪將茬夨去伱啲歲仴裏無囚憐憫地活著,長苼,昰對哆情囚朂重啲懲罰。