独木舟 · 222人关注
英文版: Begin to stand to go alone especially in this city really then. You became yourself subjective medium woman, sagacious and rigorous. Just, do not have love. Have new the friend that know laughs at you cold blood. They do not know, before long, you also are the more serious than life woman that sees love. You also are opposite before long love pay homage to.
火星文: 於昰眞啲開始茬這個城市特竝獨荇。伱成為叻自己臆想ф啲囡孓,睿智洏嚴謹。呮昰,莈洧愛情叻。洧噺結識啲萠伖笑伱冷血。彵們鈈知,曾幾何塒,伱吔昰紦愛情看啲仳苼命還重偠啲囡孓。曾幾何塒伱吔對愛情頂禮膜拜。