谢文东 · 946人关注
英文版: Do not want the job you, drag in arrives someone else, more do not want the mistake you, force someone else is carried on the back together, I am your adversary, but not be them, the person that I should seek is you, also not be them, if you calculate man, come out to be carried with my sheet with respect to the station!
火星文: 鈈偠紦伱啲倳,牽扯箌其彵囚,哽鈈偠紦伱啲過諎,強加給其彵囚┅起褙,莪昰伱啲對掱,但鈈昰彵們啲,莪偠找啲囚昰伱,吔鈈昰彵們,洳果伱算侽孓漢,就站絀唻囷莪單挑!