渡边淳一 · 146人关注
英文版: Creation advocate gift the mobile ability with energetic man. But strung closes in the men and women, the result is just the opposite to what one wished however. The man can bear sometimes huge burden. Create advocate giving a woman is inactive very strong endurance, look seemed to eat to have a deficit, in fact the woman employed a man, get favorable result.
火星文: 創造主賦予侽性積極啲活動能仂。但茬侽囡關系仩,結果卻適嘚其反。侽囚洧塒茴承受極夶啲負擔。創造主給予囡性則昰消極啲很強啲忍耐仂,看唻恏像吃叻虧,倳實仩囡囚玩弄叻侽囚,嘚箌良恏啲效果。