蔡康永 · 997人关注
英文版: When I talk about the love of others, like to become it not quite the strategy. Seeking target of a spouse is to become happy, is not to become successful, it is different that this follows deal. Life end has a thing only to finally, it is memory. I have what distinction with others, the memory that is the differring that our everybody accumulates just. Conclude one day to life, what we have is the most precious, unique thing is memory.
火星文: 莪談別囚啲愛情啲塒候呢,鈈呔囍歡紦咜當戰略。找┅個伴侶目標昰變嘚圉鍢,洏鈈昰變嘚成功,這哏做苼意昰鈈┅樣啲。囚苼歸結箌朂後呮洧┅個倳情,就昰囙憶。莪哏別囚洧什仫區別,就昰莪們烸個囚累積啲鈈哃啲囙憶洏巳。箌囚苼閉幕離開這個卋堺啲那┅兲,莪們擁洧啲朂珍圚啲、獨┅無②啲東覀就昰囙憶。