爱默生 · 559人关注
英文版: In each work of the talent, we knew the mind that ourselves abandoned: Beside they were taking some kind of aloof majesty to return us. Great work of art does not benefit gained from sb's wisdom to cross that's what it all adds up to to ours. We will be forced from others over there the opinion of resumptive ourselves, abashed become hard.
火星文: 茬兲才啲烸┅蔀作品ф,莪們認絀叻莪們自己拋棄叻啲思想:咜們帶著某種疏遠啲威嚴囙箌叻莪們啲身邊。偉夶啲藝術作品對莪們啲教益鈈過洳此洏巳。莪們將被迫從別囚那裏取囙莪們自己啲見解,並羞愧難當。