平凡的世界 · 463人关注
英文版: On our dear earth, how much simple flower is opened silently in barren mountain wild country. This flower does not have a person to fix eyes on. Perhaps only oneself just fondly the fragrance of oneself. But, in the life of our Everyman, in this ordinary world, what the flower that also has how much flowery life is being opened sadly and do not know for us!
火星文: 茬莪們儭愛啲夶地仩,洧哆尐樸素啲婲朵默默地開放茬荒屾野地裏。這婲朵莈洧囚紸目。吔許唯洧自身才憐愛自身啲芬芳。鈳昰,茬莪們普通囚啲苼活ф,茬這平凡啲卋堺裏,吔洧哆尐絢麗啲苼命の婲茬悄然地開放洏並鈈為莪們所知啊!