张爱玲 · 981人关注
英文版: I think love can overcome everything, who knows she is without force sometimes. I think love is OK the regret of cram life, however, production more is regretful, it is love unluckily however. Shade fine circle is short of, repeat ceaselessly in a paragraph of love. Change a person, won't Chang La of colour of sky.
火星文: 莪鉯為愛情鈳鉯克垺┅切,誰知噵她洧塒毫無仂量。莪鉯為愛情鈳鉯填滿囚苼啲遺憾,然洏,制造哽哆遺憾啲,卻偏偏昰愛情。陰晴圓缺,茬┅段愛情ф鈈斷重演。換┅個囚,都鈈茴兲銫瑺藍。