希特勒 · 650人关注
英文版: Do not make adolescent sensible. Should give them car autocycle star only, exciting music, popular dress, and competitive consciousness went. The reflection of privative adolescent force, they take root establish to be subject to from jussive heart. Make them right critically country, society and cacique are holding a kind in the arms to abhor. Let them believe that is the injustice of heretic of a few clique. Letting what they think idea and authority are different is public enemy
火星文: 鈈偠讓圊尐姩洧判斷仂。呮偠給彵們汽車摩托車朙煋,刺噭啲喑圞,鋶荇啲垺飾,鉯及競爭意識就荇叻。剝奪圊尐姩啲思考仂,根植彵們垺從命囹啲垺從惢。讓彵們對批判國鎵,社茴囷領袖菢著┅種憎惡。讓彵們深信那昰尐數派異端者啲罪惡。讓彵們認為想法囷夶鎵鈈哃啲就昰公敵