李开复 · 908人关注
英文版: You are taken away from the school the most valuable is not this paper, the skill that you are analysed and thinks independently however, consider and discover the experience of the truth, still have the scientist's mind, research this field no longer when your some day when, you still can be accomplished in the field with new any best.
火星文: 伱從學校帶赱朂洧價徝啲鈈昰這份論攵,洏昰伱汾析囷獨竝思考啲夲倳,研究囷發哯眞悝啲經驗,還洧科學鎵啲胸懷,當伱某┅兲鈈洅研究這個領域啲塒候,伱依然能茬任何┅個噺啲領域做箌朂恏。