三毛 · 821人关注
英文版: Be in this with each passing day in apathetic times, my look around is worn street, often see coma of desert of a piece of Zhang Leng, the countenance that does not have expression has gone hurriedly, I always am him vigilance, because live for long,not be in so in big environment, imperceptible, also became that a among them, they make I arrive to dare look in the mirror not quite cloudily.
火星文: 茬這個ㄖ漸麻朩啲塒玳裏,莪漲望著街頭,烸烸看看┅漲漲冷漠麻朩,莈洧表情啲面容匆匆荇過,莪總昰警惕自己,鈈偠因為長塒間苼活茬這般啲夶環境裏,鈈知鈈覺,吔變成叻那其ф啲┅個,彵們使莪黯然箌鈈呔敢照鏡孓。