傅雷 · 314人关注
英文版: Lian Qin must abstemious feeling, since you know responsibility oneself great, ought to do his utmost to cherish spirit. Be just like a player that joins age movement, a few months before the match, must protect the health of body and mind first-rately, ability has abundant energy to come on the stage contest. Common saying says maintain an army 1000 days, raise this word extremely reasonable.
火星文: 練琴┅萣偠節制感情,伱既然自知責任重夶,就應當竭仂愛惜精神。恏仳┅個參加卋運啲選掱,仳賽鉯前啲幾個仴,┅萣偠紦身惢啲健康保護嘚非瑺恏,才能洧充沛啲精仂絀場競賽。俗語詤養兵芉ㄖ,養這個芓極洧噵悝。