几米 · 230人关注
英文版: See, lost sight of. Xia Feng has been blown gently, disappear in the instant without footprint. Remember, forgot. Keep one land only slightly the blurred tree shadow of rock... invisible, be equal to nonexistent? Just perhaps be obscured by great cloud, perhaps just shade of flying pleasant to see of sand blown by wind, I lose sight of you, still feel warm however.
火星文: 看見啲,看鈈見叻。夏闏輕輕吹過,茬瞬間消夨無蹤。記住啲,遺莣叻。呮留丅┅地微微晃動啲迷離樹影……看鈈見啲,昰鈈昰等於鈈存茬?吔許呮昰被濃雲遮住,吔許剛巧闏沙飝入眼簾,莪看鈈見伱,卻依然感箌溫暖。