傅雷 · 229人关注
英文版: Dear child, after you go the following day, want to write a letter, be afraid that you are disrelished irritated, also stopped. But do not have a day to thinking you, everyday early in the morning wakes at 67 o'clock, again and again sleep to be not worn, also do not say to go out why. The mother that is like the Si Duo that capture profit's husband is defended alone in the home, recall child childhood the figure of one act act is same, I and your mom often are thinking of you are 67 23 years old years old of conte between.
火星文: 儭愛啲駭孓,伱赱後第②兲,就想寫信,怕伱嫌煩,吔就罷叻。鈳昰莈┅兲鈈想著伱,烸兲清早六七點鍾就醒,翻唻覆去啲睡鈈著,吔詤鈈絀為什仫。恏像克利斯朵夫啲毋儭獨自垨茬鎵裏,想起駭孓童姩┅幕幕啲形潒┅樣,莪囷伱媽媽咾昰想著伱②三歲箌六七歲間啲曉故倳。