华罗庚 · 103人关注
英文版: Scientific inspiration, it is sit back and wait anything but can wait those who come. If say, the discovery on science has the word of the good luck with accidental what, so the person that this kind of accidental good luck can give those having accomplishment only, give some of person that is good at thinking, have the person of the spirit of work with perseverance to those, and won't give slug.
火星文: 科學啲靈感,決鈈昰唑等鈳鉯等唻啲。洳果詤,科學仩啲發哯洧什仫偶然啲機遇啲話,那仫這種偶然啲機遇呮能給那些洧素養啲囚,給些善於思考啲囚,給那些具洧鍥洏鈈舍啲精神啲囚,洏鈈茴給懶漢。