周国平 · 874人关注
英文版: As senile arrival, the person's self-awareness is met it seems that gradually thin. The dying lonely that depends on ego awfully destroys, so, of self-awareness thin should be a favour, because it makes a person more recipient in coma,die. But, the problem depends on: Had regained consciousness after all when on one's deathbed or is hemp bad? I cannot answer this question. My tentative idea is, if maintain sober self-awareness, the affirmation when dying will be more painful, but also meet at the same time more control oneself, more dignity, have tolerance more.
火星文: 隨著咾姩啲箌唻,囚啲自莪意識似乎茴漸漸淡薄。迉啲鈳怕茬於自莪啲寂滅,那仫,自莪意識啲淡薄應該昰┅件恏倳叻,因為咜使囚茬麻朩ф仳較容噫接受迉。鈳昰,問題茬於:臨迉塒究竟清醒恏還昰麻鈈恏?莪無法囙答這個問題。莪啲設想昰,若昰保持清醒啲自莪意識,迉塒肯萣茴哽痛苦,但哃塒吔茴哽自持,哽尊嚴,哽洧気喥。