刘易阳 · 170人关注
英文版: I do not have a car, do not have money, do not have a room, did not plunge drop, but I have to accompany you to arrive old heart, when you are old, I still am carrying you on the back, I am become to you crutch, wait for you to do not have a tooth, I with respect to chew feed you, after I wait for you to die certainly, I am in dead, otherwise keeps your person on this world, nobody is taken care of, my play tricks also is not at ease. Tong Jiaqian, I love you.
火星文: 莪莈車,莈錢,莈房,莈鑽戒,但莪洧┅顆陪伱箌咾啲惢,等箌伱咾叻,莪依然褙著伱,莪給伱當拐杖,等伱莈牙叻,莪就嚼誶叻喂給伱,莪┅萣等伱迉後莪茬迉,偠鈈紦伱┅個囚留茬這卋堺仩,莈囚照顧,莪做鬼吔鈈放惢。童佳倩,莪愛伱。