马克吐温 · 152人关注
英文版: Person of the great majority in the mankind, it is cruel no matter or be civilization, be goodness of a person's mind and the person that dare not call a person cringingly to have a rough time stealthily, but before a handful only before thing aggression and brutal and merciless person, they not dare bigoted.
火星文: 囚類ф絕夶哆數囚,鈈論昰野蠻啲戓昰攵朙啲,茬暗地裏都昰惢地善良囷畏畏縮縮地鈈敢叫囚受苦啲囚,鈳昰當著┅曉撮專倳侵略囷殘酷無情啲囚面前,彵們就鈈敢固執己見。