胡雪岩 · 667人关注
英文版: Accordingly, wanted what to self weighs block a hand only, arrive the idea that used housekeep, person of inevitable caustic with hoggish, erode the profit of a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord, implantation of skill of a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord comes out even, also won't feel oneself are ungrateful, flatter oneself has been repaid.
火星文: 因此,呮偠洧叻私惢重啲擋掱,┅箌動叻自竝闁戶啲念頭,就必然損囚鉯利己,侵蝕箌東鎵啲利益,即囹昰東鎵┅掱培植絀唻啲,亦鈈茴覺嘚自己莣恩負図,因為彵替東鎵賺過錢,自鉯為巳經報答過叻。