史玉柱 · 310人关注
英文版: Successful to going experience sums up summary well again, be opposite especially unsuccessful lesson, in the still of night of the latter half of the night when you want carefully to sleep to also think anyway, want to actually to you very big gains reads a book than you more useful because some books leave you far, that is the thing that sees that was written in the past.
火星文: 對過去成功啲經驗洅恏恏總結總結,尤其昰對夨敗啲教訓,丅半夜夜深囚靜啲塒候伱仔細想┅想反㊣睡覺吔想,想┅想實際仩對伱洧很夶收獲仳伱看圕哽洧鼡因為洧啲圕離伱遠,那昰看自己過去寫啲東覀。