巴尔扎克 · 186人关注
英文版: The person of destructive person and construction, both is volitional phenomenon: One is preparative work, another is the job that finish; Former seeming is an evil talent, latter is the talent of a be apt to it seems that; Give honor to this one, give to another forget. Evil person hullabaloo hullabaloo, sleep lightly low people from the dream, admire him so that extremely admire, can be be apt to person however all the time silent does not make a sound.
火星文: 破壞啲囚囷建設啲囚,両者都昰意志啲哯潒:┅個昰准備工作,另┅個昰完成工作;前者恏像昰┅個惡啲兲才,後者似乎昰┅個善啲兲才;對這┅個給予咣榮,對另┅個給予莣卻。惡者哇啦哇啦,紦庸俗啲囚們從夢裏驚醒,對彵佩垺嘚五體投地,鈳昰善者卻┅直默鈈作聲。