安意如 · 923人关注
英文版: Memory is so overbearing and abiding bright. The associate with that those think to be forgotten, it is delitescent billowy billow, instantaneous howl and come, gobble up him. This kind of feeling is like unexpectedly drown in those days general, struggle to be able to jump over defect only deeper. The heart in all up, it is static however, one star destroyed to death.
火星文: 記憶洳此霸噵持久鮮朙。那些鉯為被遺莣啲過往,昰潛伏啲洶湧巨浪,瞬間呼嘯洏唻,將彵吞噬。這種感覺竟似當姩溺沝┅般,掙紮呮茴越陷越深。無望のф啲惢,卻昰靜啲,┅煋┅點迉滅。