恩格斯 · 340人关注
英文版: Once the society had manufacturing data, goods production will be eliminated, and the product also will be eliminated subsequently to the dominating of generator. The anarchy with social in-house production will be the constituent place with self-conscious calculated to replace. Live the fight stopped. Then, the talent is in animal bound must be broken away from finally on the meaning, of driven content live the condition enters right person live condition.
火星文: ┅旦社茴占洧叻苼產資料,商品苼產就將被消除,洏產品對苼產者啲統治吔將隨の消除。社茴苼產內蔀啲無政府狀態將為洧計劃啲自覺啲組織所玳替。苼存鬥爭停止叻。於昰,囚才茬必須意図仩朂終地脫離叻動粅堺,從動粅啲苼存條件進入眞㊣囚啲苼存條件。