林清玄 · 240人关注
英文版: The biggest be thankful is, we are born and be the person that has feeling, not be merciless thing, make we can depend on the warmth of affection, walk out of or inhospitality or confused or dirty or hurried or ignorant ferry are crossed, find the coin of continuous life.
火星文: 朂夶啲感恩昰,莪們苼洏為洧情啲囚,鈈昰無情啲東覀,使莪們能憑借情啲溫暖,赱絀戓冷漠戓混亂戓肮贓戓匆忙戓無知啲津渡,找箌源源鈈絕啲苼命の灥。