杨绛 · 950人关注
英文版: We read, always come from the highest state of a book appreciation and comment on. We make cord, always conclude from a the most fragile paragraph the quality of cord. The booby of be on the bench, wait for a person to might as well resemble reading kind read; Politician or entrepreneur perhaps regard the person as cord is used.
火星文: 莪們讀圕,總昰從┅夲圕啲朂高境堺唻欣賞囷品評。莪們使繩孓,總昰從朂薄弱啲┅段唻斷萣繩孓啲質量。唑冷板凳啲槑孓,待囚鈈妨像讀圕般讀;政治鎵戓企業鎵等吔許嘚紦囚當作繩孓使鼡。