胡雪岩 · 100人关注
英文版: This also cannot treat as the same, go to try ascend, naturally road, but in field not paper, want to lean one lot, 2 carry, 3 geomantic, what have unrecognized talent so is much also be. Contribute a door that opened to go to the lavatory, let them have play opportunity, do not send bury a talented person, also be the thing of greatest merits and virtues.
火星文: 這吔鈈鈳┅概洏論,赴試登進,自昰㊣途,但場ф莫論攵,偠靠┅命,②運,三闏沝,所鉯懷才鈈遇啲吔哆嘚昰。捐例開叻方便の闁,讓彵們洧發揮機茴,鈈致埋莈囚才,吔昰莫夶啲功德の倳。