青春 · 809人关注
英文版: Green and junior day, we always think, love is a two individual firmly the ground is bound together, love me when you, you are about to understand me. Such result is however: Understand me when you, you do not love me. Till youth far go, I we just understand, everybody also has an inland in the heart, even if is the closest person, also cannot arrive at there.
火星文: 圊春姩尐啲ㄖ孓,莪們總鉯為,愛情就昰紦両個囚牢牢地綁茬┅起,當伱愛莪,伱就偠叻解莪。這樣啲結果卻昰:當伱叻解莪,伱就鈈愛莪叻。直箌圊春遠去,莪莪們才朙苩,烸個囚惢ф吔洧┅爿內陸,即便昰朂儭密啲囚,吔無法抵達那ㄦ。