李嘉诚 · 918人关注
英文版: I often am saying a word, the family member is not a trusted follower certainly. You want a person to get along with him, child long, you feel his train of thought follows the front is like you, that you OK and should trustful he; You give each his main job, he can be done, this person can make your trusted follower.
火星文: 莪咾昰茬詤┅句話,儭囚並鈈┅萣就昰儭信。┅個囚伱偠哏彵相處,孓久叻,伱覺嘚彵啲思蕗哏伱┅樣昰㊣面啲,那伱就應該鈳鉯信任彵;伱交給彵啲烸┅項重偠工作,彵都茴做,這個囚就鈳鉯做伱啲儭信。