鲁豫 · 927人关注
英文版: A lot of people say, if you hold to a thing,do 21 days, so a kind of habit that this thing can make you. If you hold to a thing,do 18 years then, what is this, I think this has been a kind of habit not just, element of a lot of affection can be contained inside, e.g. responsibility, e.g. love.
火星文: 很哆囚詤,洳果┅件倳情伱堅持做②┿┅兲,那仫這件倳情茴成為伱啲┅種習慣。那洳果┅件倳伱堅持做┿八姩,這昰什仫,莪想這巳經鈈僅僅昰┅種習慣叻,裏面茴包含很哆情感因素,仳洳詤責任,仳洳詤愛。